Hydrotech 33001071 TFC Compatible Membrane, 9 GPD Replacement Reverse Osmosis Membrane, Polyamide Thin Film Composite, Yellow With Red Band
Gеt Chеар Prісе Hydrotech 33001071 TFC Compatible Membrane, 9 GPD Replacement Reverse Osmosis Membrane, Polyamide Thin Film Composite, Yellow With Red Band A quick website review
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- High-Quality Materials Thin Film Composite (TFC) Membrane technology, offering a high efficiency while providing a superior quality of water for your household or business to consume and enjoy.
- Performance and Quality Hydrotech reverse osmosis compatible membranes provide consistent and reliable performance, are made of the highest quality Polyamide Thin-Film Composite and ensures that you get the most filtration and surface area coverage.
- Fresh Tasting Water The Reverse Osmosis Replacement Membrane cleans your water by removing heavy metals, inorganics and volatile organics and other harmful chemicals that produce distasteful and smelly odors.
- Compatibility Our RO Membrane Fits Hydrotech RO systems: 1230, 1240, 1020, and 1030 series.
- Capacity Our Hydrotech RO compatible Membrane will produce 9 gallons per day of premium water.
Product Description
Protect Your Home's Water: The hydrotech 33001071 reverse osmosis (ro) compatible membrane is the most important component in your ro system and provides ultra fine filtration. This membrane forces pressurized water through a thin film composite media to greatly reduce the total dissolved solids and inorganic contaminants in the water. Does your water have a poor taste or appears cloudy? Replace the filter membrane and enjoy cleaner, healthier, and better tasting drinking water. The Hydrotech 33001071 is a replacement reverse osmosis compatible membrane for the Hydrotech 1230, 1240, 1020, and 1030 series RO systems. It provides consistent and reliable performance, it's made from polyamide thin-film composite, and will produce 9 gallons per day. The 33001071 membrane is yellow with a red band.
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